
A Smart City is a Connected City, A Connected City is an Inclusive City

“The Most Livable City in the Nation”

Before Austin’s former City Manager left town for a new role in Washington, DC, he said his goal was for Austin to become the “Most Livable City in the Country — a model city, the city everyone is talking about and looks to for best practices and innovation. At a glance, a casual observer might think becoming the “Most Livable City in the Country” shouldn’t be so hard for a city like Austin, Texas.

After all, Austin is America’s fastest-growing major city. Innovation in technology and creative industries have made Austin an international destination for art, music, film, food, media, and culture.If you don’t live here, if you’re from out-of-state and recently you moved to Austin to staff your high-tech employer’s new Austin headquarters things may look fine, even super-fine….

Source: A Smart City is a Connected City, A Connected City is an Inclusive City

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